EnviStats India-2022 Volume II- Environment Accounts

Document Summary:
This publication, issued by NSO, India and produced with the support of the Inter-Ministerial Group, highlights some of the important aspects of the Environment which has the potential to act as an important tool for the policymakers.
The report has been produced with the support of the Inter-Ministerial Group, constituted by the Ministry to provide guidance and also to facilitate the assessment of datasets for the development of these accounts.
This year, the report includes chapters covering some of the very important domains of the Environment viz. Energy Accounts, Solid Waste Accounts, Wetlands Accounts, Fish Provisioning Services, Forest Accounts. The publication also covers a chapter on the thematic area of Biodiversity. Amongst these, the subjects of Energy Accounts, Solid Waste Accounts and Fish Provisioning Services have been attempted for the first time. The following paragraphs briefly describe the coverage of the publication:
Energy Accounts - This chapter presents the Asset Accounts and the Physical Supply and Use Tables for Energy for the years 2015-16 to 2019-20 following the SEEA-Energy structure using data from the Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Ministry of Power, Government of India.
Solid-Waste Accounts-The chapter presents the Physical Supply and Use Tables for Solid Waste, compiled for the state of Delhi for the year 2020-21 as an experimental basis using the information received from the Delhi Pollution Control Board and Municipalities of Delhi.
Wetlands Accounts- The chapter provides the extent account for the Wetlands in India along with the decadal change for the years 2006-07 to 2017-18 using the information from ‘Wetlands Decadal Change Atlas’ published by Space Application Centre (SAC), ISRO. In addition, details of the Ramsar sites have also been presented.
Fish Provisioning Services- In this chapter, District-wise estimates of Fish Provisioning Services, has been compiled for the states of Andhra Pradesh (2021-22), Rajasthan (2015-16 to 2020-21) and Haryana (2015-16 to 2020-21) using the SEEA prescribed ‘rental price method’ and the data from State Fisheries Department.
Forest Accounts-This chapter presents the Forest Extent and Condition accounts based on the data from the India State of Forest Report (ISFR-2021). In addition, estimates of timber and non-timber provisioning services and carbon retention services at current and constant prices have been compiled for the year 2011-12 to 2019-20.
Biodiversity –The chapter includes an analysis of the Spatial Dataset by taxonomic groups, compiled using datasets sourced from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2021 Version 2 and 2021 Version 3 and 2022 Version 1. The coverage of the analysis includes categories such as Mammals, Amphibians, Reptiles, Plants, Mangroves and Freshwater groups (consisting of both flora and fauna present in freshwater).
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