Ecosystem Accounts: 2000-2018 Land Use in Brazilian Biomes

Document Summary:
With the launch of this publication, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) introduces a new line of products for mapping and analysis of Brazilian ecosystems in several environmental perspectives, presenting a territorial reflection on the environment that is essential to understanding the use and destination of the stock of natural resources, as well as the resulting environmental services.
This study is based on the methodological framework of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012: Central Framework
(UNITED NATIONS, 2014a), known as SEEA Central Framework, and
more specifically, the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting
2012: Experimental Ecosystem Accounting Manual, known as SEEA-EEA
(UNITED NATIONS, 2014b), which propose an integrated evaluation of
environmental information and its relation with the economy, allowing
a combined analysis in a single framework.
By presenting the Brazilian territorial dynamic from the initial
and final stocks, in physical terms, of natural resources, according to
the different land uses mapped in a temporal period of 18 years in the
six Brazilian biomes - Amazônia, Mata Atlântica, Cerrado, Caatinga,
Pampa and Pantanal - this publication proposes a reflection on the
changes experienced by each environmental unit during a given accounting period.
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