Regional Training Workshop on SEEA Asset Accounts for Sustainable Development
The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UNSIAP), with the support of the Office of the Director-General for Policy Planning on Statistical Policy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of the Government of Japan are organizing a Regional Training Workshop on SEEA Asset Accounts for Sustainable Development. The workshop will be held in Chiba, Japan from 16-19 June. The workshop will be conducted in English.
The regional workshop is an opportunity for participants to increase their technical knowledge of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) through lectures, exercises, and sharing country examples. Participants will learn about the SEEA framework and in particular the conceptual and compilation aspects for the SEEA asset accounts in physical and monetary terms. They will also learn about the relevance of the SEEA for evidence-based decision making and in monitoring national policies and international agreements including the Sustainable Development Goals. Institutional mechanisms, data governance, data sources and dissemination approaches will also be introduced. Furthermore, participants will have an opportunity to learn about the update process of the SEEA Central Framework. For additional information on the workshop, please see the concept note and provisional agenda attached.