Monetary Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Assets for Ecosystem Accounting. Interim version, first edition

Document Summary:
The report is intended to provide a useful starting point with suggestions on valuation methods, examples and references for countries that are undertaking valuation as part of the SEEA EA national implementation. It should not be considered as agreed guidelines on how to compile monetary accounts. Some issues related to valuation are being discussed as part of the SEEA EA research agenda and the SNA revision process. The document will remain under review and updated as country experiences are gained in valuing ecosystem services based on SEEA EA and as consensus emerges. This interim status is reflected in the title of the report.
The report includes practical examples to illustrate how the different valuation methods for ecosystem services and ecosystem assets have been applied, including results from pilot studies that have been carried out as part of the NCAVES and the MAIA projects.
This report is a joint product of the NCAVES and MAIA projects.
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