Guidance note – Reporting of electric and more resource-efficient transport equipment in EPEA and EGSS
Document Summary:
The task force on the classification of environmental activities (TF) identified in June 2018 the need to clarify the recording of “electric and more resource-efficient transport equipment”, an item listed in the indicative compendium of environmental goods and services1 .
This note recalls available guidance from EPEA and EGSS handbooks, summarises reporting practices, and presents proposals for a consistent and accurate recording of relevant products. It incorporates scientific evidence and seeks to balance the position of TF members with input from the 2019 Working Group on Monetary Environmental Statistics and Accounts (MESA WG), specifically its feedback during the written consultation on 24 July 2019. The proposals in this note were endorsed in the TF meeting on 3 April 2020 and should ensure that EPEA and EGSS data meet the needs of users and remain comparable across the EU.
The guidance note also sets out a timeline for its implementation and review and indicates products whose treatment in monetary environmental accounts might need to be rediscussed in the medium or long-term.