EnviStats-India: Environment Accounts 2024

Document Summary:
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) compiled and released the seventh consecutive issue of the publication “EnviStats India 2024: Environment Accounts” on 30 September 2024 in accordance with the System of Environmental Economic Accounting Framework.
This year’s issue of EnviStats India: Environment Accounts marks significant progress in expanding the scope and coverage of environmental accounts. The publication continues to build on the foundations laid by previous issues and introduces several new and updated accounts. The following paras briefly describe the coverage of the publication:
1. Energy Accounts: The Energy Accounts have been updated in line with the SEEA-Energy framework. The report includes Physical Asset Accounts for energy, as well as the Physical Supply and Use Tables for the period 2015-16 to 2022-23.
2. Ocean Accounts: The publication covers new area viz. Ocean Accounts. The report provides the framework for the compilation of the Ocean Accounts along with data for some of the extent and the condition parameters related to the oceans. The technical assistance has been provided by the Expert Group on Ocean Ecosystem Accounts which includes members from M/o Earth Sciences, M/o Environment Forest and Climate Change, Geological Survey of India, M/o Petroleum & Natural Gas etc.
3. Soil Nutrient Index: With a view to provide an assessment of the condition of the soil, state-wise soil nutrient indices have been presented for 2023-24, using the information collected for preparing Soil Health Cards scheme which provides information on the nutrient status in the agricultural lands. This builds on previous estimates compiled in earlier issues of EnviStats India and provides crucial information on sustainable agriculture and soil health.
4. Biodiversity: The report continues to highlight India’s rich biodiversity, presenting the taxonomic faunal and floral diversity of India, the status of the Leopard and Snow leopard, information on Genetic Conservation using data from the stakeholder Ministries/agencies. Also, the Species Richness of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened species by taxonomic groups has been compiled using spatial datasets from IUCN.
Through the release of EnviStats India 2024: Environment Accounts, India reaffirms its commitment to constantly endeavouring towards developing a more enhanced and robust set of environment accounts.
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