Ecosystem accounts : species threatened with extinction in Brazil : 2014

Document Summary:
Through this publication, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE continues its efforts to produce a line of products for mapping and analyzing Brazilian ecosystems in different environmental perspectives, whose first publication - on land use in the six Brazilian biomes – Amazônia (Amazon), Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Forest), Cerrado, Caatinga, Pampa and Pantanal –, contained an assessment of the changes experienced by these environmental units over the accounting period from 2000 to 2018.
This study embraces the theme of species threatened with extinction in Brazil and, like the previous edition, is based on the methodological reference manual for the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012: Experimental Ecosystem Accounting, known as SEEAEEA, developed by the United Nations. Threatened Species Accounts are one of the different types of accounts proposed in the SEEA-EEA.
The set of information disclosed herein, covering the year 2014, presents a systematization of the data related to the degree of risk of extinction of species in Brazil, an important parameter for understanding the environmental condition of the territorial units considered – in addition to the Biomes, the marine portion of the Coastal-Marine System, and the territorial sea of the São Pedro e São Paulo Archipelago and of the Trindade and Martim Vaz Islands. The data originates from the Official Brazilian Lists of Fauna and Flora Species Threatened with Extinction, resulting from assessments of the conservation status of the species, published, respectively, by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) and by the Brazilian National Center for Plant Conservation under the Rio de Janeiro Botanic Garden Research Institute (CNCFlora/JBRJ).
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