Public review of SEEA Data Structure Definitions (DSDs) commences

The Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) invites feedback and review comments from all stakeholders on the global Data Structure Definitions (DSDs) for the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA).
As part of the technical infrastructure necessary for global SEEA databases, global DSDs have been developed for five priority environmental accounts: air emissions, energy flows, material flows, water flows and land. A pilot review has been initiated before they are finalised and published. Some of these accounts will also deliver indicators to monitor sustainable development goals (SDGs). In particular, the information in the material flow accounts and water flow accounts can be directly used for SDG indicators. The methodology and data sources for many SDG indicators are still under discussion (indicators Tier III) and thus there is an opportunity to have other SEEA aligned SDG indicators.
The review consists of two phases: a content review and a technical review. The aim of the content review is that the project's design stage material is understandable, well-designed and that it covers the scope of the project. The aim of the technical review is to test that the project's SDMX artefacts can be implemented at system level as efficiently as possible. It includes testing material such as example data messages and xml-schemas.
The review comments received would be examined by a group of experts and will directly feed into improving the DSDs before publication in the SDMX Global Registry.
More Information
The pilot review can be found here:
At the bottom of the page there is an information package to be downloaded. The package contains material for review: the "DSD matrix", which presents the data model (relationship between data flows and concepts), code lists and documentation (guidelines).
Please note that the deadline for the review is 31 July, 2018. Please send any comments you may have on the package to ESTAT-SUPPORT- and