INEGI Environmental-Economic Accounts, 2019

The Mexican National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) released the results of the Economic and Ecological Accounts of Mexico, 2019. The results include accounting tables, in physical and monetary terms, of natural resources (air, soil and water) and the environmental impact of economic activities resulting from the depletion of natural resources and the degradation of the environment.
For over 20 years INEGI has calculated environmentally-adjusted GDP by deducting from GDP the consumption of fixed capital and the costs attributed for environmental loss (costs for depletion of natural resources and environmental degradation). This indicator shows the cost that would be incurred to remedy the decline and deterioration of the environment.
The results for 2019 show that costs for environmental losses amounted to MX$1,096,970, or 4.5% of GDP. From the total costs of environmental loss, air pollution was the highest cost at 63% of the total, followed by soil degradation, 12.5%; solid waste, 7.2%; depletion of hydrocarbons, 7.1%; groundwater depletion, 3.9%; water pollution, 3.6%; and depletion of forest resources, 2.7%.
Environmental protection expenditures have been decreasing over the last years and this year represented 0.5% of GDP.
As part of the accounts, INEGI published the 12th edition of the SEEA-Water accounts and the 10th edition of the material flow accounts.
Results can be found here: