Training workshop in the SEEA Ecoystem accounting and ARIES for SEEA
In order to support the uptake of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting – Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) in member countries of the Gaborone Declaration for Sustainability in Africa (GDSA), UN Environment, the UN Statistics Division, UNDP, the BC3, the GDSA Secretariat and the Regional Hub of the UN Global Platform in Rwanda are partnering with countries in a training programme for application of ARIES for SEEA in selected GDSA member countries.
ARIES for SEEA Explorer is a tool developed by the Basque Centre of Climate Change (BC3) to produce standardized, scalable and customizable SEEA ecosystem accounts by using not only available global remote-sensing data and models, but also national data sources and models.
The technical training workshop is held in Kigali, Rwanda from 18-22 July 2022, with the objective to build capacity among country practitioners on the conceptual basis for ecosystem accounting, data and modelling requirements, and the use of ARIES for SEEA to develop accounts.
The technical training workshop is aimed at staff of national statistical offices, relevant line ministries, policymakers and researchers who are interested in developing ecosystem accounts and their use in policymaking.
The agenda and other information on this workshop can be found here.