Third PAGE Ministerial Conference
Three years since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, achieving inclusive economic growth and safeguarding current and future generations from the damage of climate change, demands – more than ever – great political leadership, corporate responsibility and social engagement globally. The global plan of action for people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership which is enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals must begin to pivot from aspirational words to real change in the lives of people and nations, through actions on the ground.
In this context, the Third PAGE Ministerial Conference will take place in Cape Town, from 10-11 January, 2019, following two successful conferences in Dubai in 2014 and Berlin in 2017. The conference will will bring together approximately 500 participants, including world leaders, ministers, private sector innovators, development partners, civil society, media and the general public.
Through keynote addresses, thematic sessions and exhibitions the conference will showcase the experiences and creativity of first movers, widen partnerships and engage in an open debate about what it takes to realize a “just transition” to economies and societies which are more inclusive, stable and sustainable. For more information, please click here or e-mail page[at]itcilo.org.