Marine ecosystem services of seagrass in physical and monetary terms: The Mediterranean Sea case study

Document Summary:
Seagrass habitats are essential and vulnerable ecosystems with several key roles, from biodiversity hotspots to climate change mitigation. Their characteristics, current condition and potential benefits, are the main core of this study which presents one of the first applications of marine accounts for the European Mediterranean Sea. The assessment focuses on four marine and coastal ecosystem services (i.e. fish and raw biomass provision, blue carbon, and nature-based recreation) and relies on habitat modelling for the biophysical assessment and a diversity of economic valuation tools (e.g. resource rent, avoided costs, benefit transfer) for the monetization of benefits. The findings highlight the essential benefits provided by seagrass meadows for Mediterranean European countries. Accounting tables display the role of seagrass to enhance environmental and economic well-being and the support that accounting evidence can provide for conservation, restoration and marine spatial planning.
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