Cuenta de Energía: Flujos físicos de energía

Document Summary:
The National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina (INCEC, for its acronym in Spanish) published the experimental physical energy flow account (PEFA) for the reference years 2018-2021. This account marks the first environmental-economic account in the country as envisioned in the strategy and road map for the SEEA in Argentina.
The PEFA was elaborated as an experimental account following the SEEA, and it is aligned with the Supply and Use Tables (SUT) of the SNA and the National Energy Balance (BEN), published by the Secretariat of Energy,
These accounts are used to calculate energy intensity and productivity indicators such as, for example, the amount of energy supplied and demanded to support the overall supply and demand of the economy in Argentina, the distribution of the total demand for energy products, the most intensive productive activities, and the amount of energy extracted and reused from the environment, among others.
The methodological note is published separately in this link: h
Link to an External Document: