Bilan environnemental de la France - Édition 2023

Document Summary:
In France, human activities exert multiple pressures on the environment and various actions are taken to avoid, reduce or compensate for the damage caused. The financial resources allocated to environmental protection contribute to this objective. While there has been significant progress in some areas (e.g. improvements in water and air quality), the situation remains worrying in others: greenhouse gas emissions remain high, even though there have been improvements, land is being developed and biodiversity continues to disappear, despite dedicated funding. At the same time, the concerns and practices of the French are evolving towards greater awareness of the risks associated with climate change.
This publication is partially based on the environmental economic accounts. It includes various components of these accounts, and the environmental protection expenditure accounts form its part 1. However, the publication is based on all the data produced by the statistical department of the French ministry for Ecological Transition
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